• Saved on average over 20% of costs in mail and document services
  • Implemented alternative models in reaction to varying working conditions, i.e. remote and mobile working

  • Initiated technology to improve productivity, reduce manual tasks and provide an enhanced service to their internal customers

  • Moved services to DMS off-site infrastructure releasing premium office space, reducing costs, moving risk away from key buildings and offering a transactional price model which flexes with economic activity levels

Our clients have successfully reduced their costs, benefited from improved compliance and accessed market-leading innovations. The following are initiatives that our customers have collaborated with us on

Legal Office Services

By outsourcing your office services to DMS, you can gain from our knowledge in process standardisation and take back control of your overhead costs. We will assist you in managing through operational peaks and thus improve your business agility. Our trained staff with years of experience in office services helps improve the service quality for your employees and end-customers.

  • Document pick-up / delivery (court runs)

  • Document sorting / tagging

  • Document pagination

  • Word processing operator (WPO) assistance